Monday, May 28, 2012

MOAB Adventures

(OCD Note: I wish I wrote about this sooner, but I didn't have a blog way back then. So just know that this happened BEFORE Ghana. Thanks.)

Our dear friends the Binghams decided that they wanted to go on a camping adventure, and invited us along. 
We had the best time. 

Brian and Kelly are awesome people. Fun fact: Kelly categorizes people by their "colors", like personality colors. Apparently Brian & I are blues, and Joey & Kelly are white/yellows. Makes for a fun mix of people. Also shows that opposites do well together! :) 

So, we made the trek down to Moab, Utah. It is GORGEOUS. Bright blue skies and incredible red rock.

Little did we know that finding a camping spot down there would be extremely difficult and competitive, so we tried about 6 different campsites before we found...the one.


We had been driving down this cliff-mountain road with all off-road jeeps...and us in our trusty CRV, when we were sure that there were no more campsites to be found. But, we kept going down and down the canyon. Finally, we found some sites. We felt really hard-core. But, they all seemed to be occupied.

We looked at the board and realized that one spot (#8) had not been claimed! Victory. So, we sent Brian to go scout it out and see if it looked promising. 

10 minutes passed. No Brian. Then, we sent Joey to go find Brian and the campsite. More minutes passed, and the boys returned giggling. They had found it all-right. It was perfect.

It was in the middle of nowhere in this awesome canyon. All we had to do was lug all our stuff back there. After a quick pro/con meeting, we made the trip...or should I say TRIPS to get everything there.

Once we were settled in, it was love.

Then, the next day we explored Arches National Park. Also, little did we know it was FREE UTAH PARK DAY. Awesome, and free. :)

And we hiked and hiked, and couldn't get enough.

It was sooo fun, and super beautiful in it's own rustic-desert-utah-rock-kind-of-way.

Kelly and Brian being one with the tree. Nice tree face, Brian.
The Binghams kept us smiling. Kelly braving every cliff, and Brian keeping her from dying.

I'm not the best hiker in the world, either.

But, we did it and we loved it.

Can't wait to go back someday. 


  1. The desert is positively breathtaking. I'm very glad you got this trip in. You are so adventurous! I told my neighbor Helen (who gave you your tent for a wedding present) about the trip, and she enjoyed the pictures, too! Now, you've got to tell me what blue, white, and yellow personalities MEAN!!?? I'm wondering what my husband and I are. After 36 years, I'm pretty sure we're compatible.

  2. Is that your tent totally on that incline? How did you even sleep? haha. Perfect spot!

  3. I was just telling my kids about Arches at dinner tonight! Now I have great pictures to show them. I like the story behind selecting your "perfect" campsite. Awesome!
