Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Another go...

Gosh. I am not that great at this whole blogging thing. 
And I have ZERO excuses.
So, here's to picking myself up & starting again.

Now seems like an appropriate time to montage a little bit about the last month. 

Joseph & I celebrated our 1st anniversary!! Yes, we made it through that infamous first year.
(You guys, it's really not that bad. Stop spreading rumors.)
Joseph is the best husband, and I just could gush for hours about how I'm the luckiest wife alive. 
But, I won't. Because people can only stand to read so much gushing.
We had an amazing little anniversary trip to Las Vegas.

Here we are looking cute together on the old Vegas strip.

We saw some blue men.
(Very fun, very weird)

And ate many of my favorite things.
(Ritas, pizza, Red Lobster)

Joey also went back to school. He's been ROCKING it. Like best student/husband/worker/person ever.
I have started my own lil' film thing....more to come on that later.
Let's see...and we can't wait for more fall fun.
Fall is the best season. 

Well, there you go.
Life is great.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Whoooo's having twins?

My best friend's having TWINS!
Naturally, I had to throw her a completely adorable owl baby shower!

She's moving with her husband NEXT WEEK so he can attend dental school, 
and I had to do it before she left. So, here's to a shower at 17 weeks!

This was for one cute Momma-to-be.

I love my Carolyn's little tummy!

I was so, so excited to do this baby owl theme. 
Everything was themed from the invitations, games, treats to the decorations!

"Carolyn's Having Twins" Banner :)

A Diaper Cake! Someone will be needing lots of these...

And of course we had some yummy treats! :)

Owl cupcakes

Mini-Cupcake Bar
The spread...minus fruit & veggie trays.

Games we played at the shower!


I will sure miss this girl, but I can't wait for the appearance of her baby twins!!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Big Joe, Lil' Joe

This month we've had a special visitor...
My little brother, Joseph, has been vacationing in Provo with us!
We've had the dilemma of what to call who,
so I've resorted to big Joe & lil' Joe.
Unfortunately, I don't think either Joe appreciates being called big or little.

But, we've decided to do a million fun things together, and here are some of our adventures!!
(Be prepared...lots of pictures, b/c we've had lots of fun.)

Both Joes first time riding a tandem bike! 

(At this time we realized they needed haircuts, so that happened next!!)

We hiked & picnicked at Stewart & Bridal Veil falls...on different days, don't worry.

We laughed a ton at Comedy Sports, which is super awesome.

We went to a BYU Devotional,
Penny Golfed in the SWKT, & played
Mini-Croquet at the Provo Beach Resort (Like mini-golf, but croquet!)

Joe got a hole in one & won a free game!

We also made trips to the Library,
Dollar movie theater, 
Lots of frozen yogurt/ ice cream places,
a Divine comedy showing,
the Paleontology museum, and the Springville art museum!

We loved seeing the Utah Symphony perform outdoors!

We played some tennis, frisbee, & bocce ball, and saw some fun movies (Madagascar 3, Brave).

We had some great game nights, 
went camping, swimming, 
& took a very fun visit to the Hogle Zoo!

(We took this picture because of the mountains above the camel...funny, huh?)

So, as you can see...we've had a blast. We will miss having lil' Joe around!

Happy Summer!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Little Buddies

This week I've had the chance to hang out with some little friends.
The first ones were some that I had been WAITING to meet. 
I couldn't wait to hug and squeeze these little munchkins.
Lacey & Austin brought their twins for a visit!!!!

Jocelyn & Jackson are the cutest babies. See for yourselves.

Look at those little legs!! So cute.

I tried to keep the food in his mouth! Promise!

The little princess :)

So, besides these precious twins...I've had plenty of fun play time with some other really cute little guys!

Charlie & Eddie lost their Momma last month, after she died giving birth to their new little sister.
It breaks my heart when I think about it for any length of time.
But, we give them lots of love.
And they are quite the little helpers.

Here we are making some yummy zucchini bread! 

Eddie thought that "dumping it into the bowl meant throwing it in the air and hoping it landed in the bowl. :)

Joey & I have loved getting some practice for future parenthood. 

So, if you have cute kids (especially if they happen to be related to us), please bring them by!
Honestly, we'd love to have them. ;)