Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Another go...

Gosh. I am not that great at this whole blogging thing. 
And I have ZERO excuses.
So, here's to picking myself up & starting again.

Now seems like an appropriate time to montage a little bit about the last month. 

Joseph & I celebrated our 1st anniversary!! Yes, we made it through that infamous first year.
(You guys, it's really not that bad. Stop spreading rumors.)
Joseph is the best husband, and I just could gush for hours about how I'm the luckiest wife alive. 
But, I won't. Because people can only stand to read so much gushing.
We had an amazing little anniversary trip to Las Vegas.

Here we are looking cute together on the old Vegas strip.

We saw some blue men.
(Very fun, very weird)

And ate many of my favorite things.
(Ritas, pizza, Red Lobster)

Joey also went back to school. He's been ROCKING it. Like best student/husband/worker/person ever.
I have started my own lil' film thing....more to come on that later.
Let's see...and we can't wait for more fall fun.
Fall is the best season. 

Well, there you go.
Life is great.


  1. There's a Rita's in Vegas?!!!! I may have to take a little road trip to Nevada. . .

  2. I thought the same thing as Heather!!!! Loved going to Rita's while visiting the family in PA. congrats on the 1yr of wedded bliss.

  3. I agree, people need to stop all the bad rumors about the first year! And I love the gushing. haha.
